When a new year begins, it comes pretty usual
to think what has been done and what is coming next. I always analyze the good
moments from the past, trying to remember them as deep as I can, reading the mistakes,
setting new goals and dreaming new glory moments of bouldering and travelling for the next future.
Since two occasions, I am used to make a kind of top 10 list of the best lines I climbed
during the past year. Conversely to 2013, I opted this time to share it
on my blog. The list basically includes the best things I did in 2014; it
classifies them following what are for me the most important 7 aspects of
bouldering: quality of rock, pureness of the line, quality of the holds, the
aesthetic aspect, the natural landscapes
around, the kind of movements/sequences and the personal experience on the
line. Here it is.
- 10th. "Rust in Peace" (FA), Champorcher (ITA). Definitively
one of my proudest first ascent ever: tall, huge, massive, physical and the
climb on it is awesome. It probably deserves to be in the top 10 milestone of
2014 for its pureness and for the good quality of rock, which stands out in all
the valley for me. It is characterized by a slopy pinches sequence in the roof,
to get out in a slightly overhang easy finish with cool moves as well.
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"Rust in Peace", Champorcher. Photo Giulia Paoletti |
-9th. "This side of Paradise" (FA Matt Wilder), Bishop (US). One
of the best highball I have ever seen during the years; It is a kind of perfect
and tall arete which makes you small like an ant. Located up in the wild
Bardini's boulder sector, it stands up on the hill in a perfect position like a
true king. The experience had been quite mystic, scary and proud at the same
time. The only thing that don't let this gem go higher is probably quality of
the rock. It has been great sharing this ascent and my fear together with
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Checking the move on "This side of Paradise", Bishop. Photo Robert Rundin |
-8th. "Gliese
581" (FA), Champorcher (ITA). The direct way to climb "Zarmina", which has the beginning
sequence in common with this. Definitively much less proud and pure than that
previous two ones, but the moves make this piece incredible like the experience
I had. I Felt so on my limit that day and the ascent was something like epic
and unforgettable. It probably has one of the best pinch I have ever used to
make a perfect jump to the slopy good lip.
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"Gliese 581", Champorcher. Pic from the Video of Andrea Cossu |
-7th. "Atlas Shrugged" (FA Jon
Cardwell), Red Rocks (US). Black velvet canyon is an unique sector of Red
Rocks; together with Fontainebleau, here I found my favorite rock ever and the
shape of this one is awesome. Compression roof climbing at the beginning,
followed by the upper part (The Fountainhead) with great holds and tricky
mantle to get out. Exciting.
"Atlas Shrugged", Red Rocks. Photo Giulia Paoletti |
-6th. "Lamiche a Mitges" (FA Tony Lamiche?), Albarracin (E).
Here we came back to the pride of the first two lines in my opinion. Its
highness is perfect to me, not excessively high but with incredible development;
great experience with my friend Nils.
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"Lamiche at mitges", Albarracin. Photo Vivi Monteiro |
-5th. "Nitro" (FA), Aland
Island (FIN). If I would have made a list of the best climbing moments, this
one it would have been the 1st. I Looked at this line during the short trip I
had and I just tried to wonder if it would have been possible or not. At the
end of my stay I decided to brush it and clean it up, to see how it
would have come out. The result deal of one of the best experience I have ever
had in climbing. Brushing new stuff, dreaming about it and realizing that it is
possible goes after goes discovering the real beta is unique. The boulder
itself is amazing for me, like a big egg of rock to squeeze with the movements
I have always looked for.
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"Nitro", Aland. Photo Riccardo Monetta |
-4th. "Elysium" (FA Randy Puro), Bavona (CH). Another
good day of climbing together with Nils, in my favorite place of all Ticino.
Here the rock is great and this masterpiece is the proof. Around this
difficulty, it might be the best line in Ticino. Immaculate, fine granite and
beautiful climbing in a perfect mix of strength/technique/balance. Great rock
and perfect holding shapes. Totally worth to be in the best things of the year.
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"Elysium", Val Bavona. Pic from the video |
-3rd. "Meadowlark Lemon" (FA Paul Robinson), Red Rocks (US).
Epic moment again. The first day when I tried I didn’t want to believe at its
beauty and perfection. The experience had been quite though under the mental
aspect, since I would not come back from the states without this tick. it has
basically been the reason which lead me to Vegas and I had a kind of personal
pressure which pushed me to finish this beautiful arete. Sent on the last
couple of days of my trip, leaving a weighty stress and taking a gorgeous lines
like this.
"Meadowlark Lemon", Red Rocks. photo Giulia Paoletti |
-2nd. "Des roses en Hiver" (FA Reto Hartman), Val Ferret (CH).
Thanks a lot to Marco to have showed me this piece of paradise. Since I saw it,
back in 2011 fall, I desperately love it. A sharp and perfect overhang, with a
kind of rare rock quality in all the Swiss, more similar to the sandstone than the
granite. Excellent moves, weird positions, lovely holds.
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"des roses en hiver", Val Ferret. Photo Max Buvoli |
1st. "Wet dream" (FA Ethan Pringle), Red Rocks (US).
The most complete boulder problem of the year. Stellar rock, imposing aspect,
beautiful moves in a long high development, crazy full package holds:
crimps/cracks for the start, jugs, pinches, rails, finger lock, brick pinch
with a really high quality rock and shape. Not the best one I have ever
climbed, but definitely the number one for what concerns the last year.
"Wet dream", Red Rocks. Photo Giulia Paoletti |