The last
months has been pretty busy under different aspects and my mind has been invaded
by a big wave of projects. The wrist had a positive trend for all the month,
but the tendons and ligaments are still weak. I felt they are not ready for a
hard training period, but at least they don't give me troubles when I climb on
the rock. As I mentioned the month has been various, rich and a bit confused
too. First of all I had a wide list of boulders I would have liked to brush. At
the moment, I am feeling quite excited about going to search awesome lines around
and the discovering side of climbing is providing me always bigger and bigger
satisfactions. The top boulders I wanted to brushed are all situated in the
north west of Italy; few of them are in Valle dell'Orco, others in Valle
d'Aosta, and a couple of cool projects are even present in a valley close to my
home. During this period I was able to brush just four of the many projects and
three of them required me one day and a half only for cleaning up the holds and
making a safe landing.
One of them
is up to Champorcher, an area whose potential is probably getting to an end.
This was maybe the last thing I was interested in developing here. Since the
beginning, It looked to be a really weird line: you have to climb a little easy
stone and then grab the starting holds in the roof above your head. From there the
climb begins in an imposing overhang and it gets out in a slightly overhanging
wall with compression moves and heel hooks. The hardest part was the first
section on the roof, where everything seems to be tricky and pretty physical.
During the second day of attempts, I tried this problem together with Max. He
got a really smart heel hook beta which looked to be the best; but
unfortunately neither of us was able to link the moves with what it seemed to
be the most obvious way. I opted to work another system, based on body tension
and specific points where to grab the holds. After many attempts where I was
getting closer and closer I finally got the big triangle pinch at the end of
the roof and I linked the first part to the easier finish, putting up the first
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Rust in Peace V11/12, FA. Champorcher. Photo Max Buvoli |
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Rust in Peace V11/12, FA. Champorcher. Photo Giulia Paoletti |
The other
two main projects I was interested in, were the big diamond I discovered in Noasca
and a great river stone in a valley close to my home. The first one is huge; It
is an impressive granite diamond with some slopy rails and a long climbing to
reach the top. Once the day of brushing was over, I decided to come back with
Ricky who helped me a lot to make a good landing. Meanwhile, the dirty residual
of the brushing was drying up and the grip started to be better than the first
time I touched the holds. The first intro part is pretty easy and the taller
you are the easier it becomes. Instead the upper part results really strange
with a big dynamic move to the lip. It is definitively a wonderful move, where
from two slopy pinches and a really high left foot you should grab the final
lip and you'll probably remain with only one hand hung. Considering the height
of the boulder, I tried that move with the rope only. After this, I decided to
postpone the attempts when the temperatures will be colder and the grip on the
holds will be much better.
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The diamond. Valle dell'Orco |
The third
one is probably the project I am most inspired for. It is 40 minutes up to my
home and the feeling to have a project so close is an unique sensation, since
it is never happened to me. I can get up in the morning and I can basically see
the valley where the proj is. This thing makes the question sweet. I brushed
the line on this big egg last spring and
I got a quick session in April without any good successes, despite my best
shape ever. I love this project for two main factors; the first reason, as I
said, is to have something so cool and so close to home; while the second one
is due to the beauty of the line and the good rock it has, especially in the
second part. For September, it was at the top of to-do list but I have been a
bit unlucky with this problem.
The first
time on it, I brushed all the last slab
again, since it became dirty during the heat of the summer and just before the
dark I tried a bit the upper moves with the rope. After few tries it became too
dark and I quitted.
2nd day on.
The first part was damp so I could just attempt the second easier section.
After having put the chalk and tried the moves, the rain came and I
had to leave once again.
3rd day on.
The sky looked to be clear. I put the chalk on the exit again and I dried up
the third hold which makes the crux part. I finally could try it seriously.
Thanks to Ricky who helped me a lot in trying the moves with big push ups, I
could understand the right sequence. The sessions got over positive. The crux
move was still missing, but I did it with 4-5 kilos of push-up. The other move
that missed was the 5th, but for this one I had positive sensations because it
looked easier, I had just to try it more.
4th day on.
I went up alone just to dry up the crux hold and to be sure for the day after
(it usually remains wet for few days). Surprisingly it dried up faster than
what I expected and I decided to try it a bit. I was alone with three smashed
pads, but it was enough to try the bottom. I couldn't expect what it happened; I
grabbed the damned holds and I failed on the move after. I opted to quit and to
rest for the day after. I started to know that I was close and that probably
the crux move would have been the 4th, since the 3rd one looked to be hard but in
the end it is totally position depending. Once you get the right body position,
you can do it.
5th day on.
I went up with Ricky again. The friction looked even better, but in the end it was
the same or even worse than the day before. I was anyway motivated and focused
on the proj. I felt some possibilities to finish the rig the same day. I put the chalk on the exit for the nth time
and I repeated the final moves over and over. I knew them perfectly. I rested
until the evening, when the "colder" temps came and the skin got harder.
I made good tries. I managed to grab the third hold again, but I failed on the
4th moves. I tried that part with the push up and I did it. I felt I was going closer
and closer. On the other side, I also felt my skin sweating a lot, so I rested
for ten minutes or so. I finally perceived my hands a bit colder and I decided
to go. I took the third hold perfectly and I did the hardest move after. I
linked this one to the 5th and I grabbed the jug with a bit of fatigue and a
strong shout. A shout which meant effort, but even a shout of possibility to
complete the whole line. I was out of the hardest part. I got into the central sequence,
where the overhang becomes a wall with wonderful pinches. I did it and I got
the good pinch-jug; I was tired. From there the wall become a slab and there is
a possible rest. From that point to the top is something like 6b composed by a
little mantle into the slab and the slab itself. I rested and my hands were
damp, cold and totally pink. I thought about the chalk, but I hadn't the bag
with me. I tried to dry up the fingers on my pants, and they started to be
numb. I put the hands close to my neck to warm them up and the feelings started
to be slightly better, but not enough. There were two possibilities: to go on
in the slab, or dropping off and trying it again hoping to get into the upper
part in better conditions. The last option seemed to be far from my
possibilities, because I felt tired. By knowing what there was between me and
the top I decided to attempt; the boulder was done and I just had to do the
last easy part. I breathed and I went. I started and once my body was totally
on the slab and my feet still under in the wall, my right foot slipped and I
fall down. I got scarred and I totally missed the pads, falling on a bunch of
stones. Fortunately my heel hit a flat stone and I got just a really hard hit.
It was done, but not at all. I have to come back to finish this beautiful problem
but for the moment I have to recover a bit the foot and to get back in a good
mentality for this gem.
these great projects, In my mind there is also another 5 starts arete to get
free; A line I brushed last march in Donnas (Valle d'Aosta) which is incredible.
A perfect vertical arete which is probably the biggest project of the year. For
the moment the temperatures are still too high and I have to wait for a while;
but once the temperatures will drop and the heel will be ready, this project
will probably be at the top of the list.
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The crux move of the project. Valle Cervo. Photo Ricky totò Monetta |
The arete project. Valle d'Aosta. |
exploring new boulders in the north west of Italy, two weeks ago I began
training again. I started a short program which includes some sessions using
different systems of training and the goals are to equal the right side of my
body to the left one, since the right arm is really weak. Secondly, I decided
to include different sessions in order to get the confidence back on the
systems I usually use for training. I set 2 sessions in the climbing gym, 3 of core
works, 5 of stretching for the flexibility, 2 of campus training (fingerboard
and PG), 2 sessions with overweight and 2 sessions of rock bouldering in the
projects I mentioned before. But in the second week, since my heel was painful
after the fall, I needed to stop and I could just climbing outdoor. I went a
couple of days in Averstal with Rudy. I
was also excited to work some boulders, leaving the tall projects aside for a
while and feeling again the peculiar sensations of the place. Unfortunately,
none of us completed the own goals; no achievement for both after the weekend.
He went really close to grab the ascent on "Morgenlatte" 7B and he
made huge progresses on "Man of a cow" 7B+; Instead, I worked one day
on "Ill trill", making every moves except the exit and I missed the
ascent on the top out of "Muttertag". We are both motivated to come
back soon, trying to complete something before the snow comes.